Sep 28, 2018
For thousand of years, women's value in society is more seen as caretakers. We were trained to believe that our role should be what society dictates and expects us to be. These expectations prevent us from developing a relationship with our inner self, creating the mindset and fear that people might view us as selfish...
Sep 21, 2018
Oftentimes, couples planning to divorce search for ways to end their marriage without having to go through litigation. Not all divorces have to go through the court. Divorce can be resolved through informal negotiations between you and your husband, attorney and mediator.
Lori Brandon is a PACE Registered Paralegal...
Sep 14, 2018
Sex, divorce and money are the toughest topics people don’t want to talk about. It's an emotional topic, that when combined together creates a mixture of both ecstasy, stress, anger, pleasure, pain, failure, guilt, shame, risk, lust, jealousy and love.
Tiffany Yelverton is a sexual empowerment coach and founder of...
Sep 7, 2018
Divorce can make someone feel isolated and care less about their health which may lead to anxiety, depression, stress and traumatic experiences. Women who are going through divorce sometimes feel a mixture of stigma and shame causing them to lose confidence and self-esteem.
Edie Starrett is a mother and an Ayurvedic and...